Shendu requires being careful with one’s conduct when being alone, consciously following morality and the requirements of etiquette.
It also requires that one makes efforts in one’s heart, so that one’s inner world is in agreement with the words and actions required by morality and etiquette.
是故君子戒慎乎其所不睹,恐惧乎其所不闻。莫见(xiàn)乎隐, 莫显乎微,故君子慎其独也。(《礼记·中庸》)
A man of virtue is cautious when he is not being watched by others and apprehensive when what he says is not being heard. There is nothing more visible than in what is secret, and nothing more obvious than in what is vague and minute. Therefore, a man of virtue is watchful when he is at leisure and alone.
Balanced Harmony
人心所达到的中正、和谐的状态。人的喜、怒、哀、乐等情感的活动及其在言行上的表现符合礼的要求,不失偏颇进而达到一种和谐的状态,即是 “中和”。
It is an ideal state of human mind. When people’s emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness are expressed in an unbiased way in keeping with the rites, a state of mind featuring balanced harmony is achieved.
When joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness are not yet expressed as a response to other things, they are in a state of balance. When they are expressed in words and deeds in accordance with the rites, harmony is achieved. Balance is the foundation under heaven, while harmony is the universal rule under heaven. If a ruler can achieve balanced harmony, both heaven and earth will be in their proper places, and all things will prosper and thrive.
Careful Reflection and Clear Discrimination
谨慎周密地思考,清晰明确地分辨。“慎思明辨”就是思考,是由学习到实践的中间阶段。学习与思考、学习与实践是相辅相成的; 而思考则是学习的深入和提升,是实践的前导,是从学习到实践转化的关键所在。
It describes the stage of reflection between learning and practice. Study and reflection on the one hand and study and practice on the other complement each other, while reflection is a deepening and heightening of learning, a prerequisite for practice, and a key link between learning and practice.
Learn broadly, examine closely, reflect carefully, discriminate clearly, and practice earnestly.
Seek Truth from Facts
This term means handling things correctly according to realities of the situation. Meaning expressing ideas or handling matters according to reality. Basically, it calls for behaving in a practical, realistic, and honest way.
Liu De, Prince Xian of Hejian… loved to study history and always sought the right understanding based on thorough grasp of evidence.
Unity of Knowledge and Action
This is one interpretation of the relationship between “knowledge” and “action.” It was impossible to separate an understanding of the principles underlying human relations in everyday life from the application of these principles, that these were two sides of the same thing.
Searching for principles outside the mind is the reason why people separate knowledge from action; searching for principles within one’s mind is how sages teach about the unity of knowledge and action.
《中华思想文化术语(历史 哲学 文艺)》是国务院批准设立的“中华思想文化术语传播工程”的成果之一,以学生和教师等群体为读者对象,为其研读、理解和翻译中华思想文化相关内容提供准确权威、正本清源的参考。